Everybody has a body by John Burgerman


KS1 lesson plan

Text: Everybody has a body by John Burgerman

Lesson plan by Andrew Moffat

Enquiry question: How am I different?

RSE objectives: The importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them (for example, physically, in character, personality or backgrounds), or make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs.

Starter: Discuss the front cover – what do you see? How are the characters the same, how are they different? Do they all look happy? How do you know?

Ask children to describe a character without pointing to it, can we recognize which one they are describing?

Inside the front cover there are different circles of colour; why do you think they are there?

Main: Read “Everybody has a body” start to finish then discuss:

·       What is this book about?

·       How are bodies in the book different?

·       Look at the page, “some are wide, some are tall.” How do you know there is a tall character there?

·       Look at the page, “Some are weak, some are strong.” How do you know the character is strong?

·       Look at the page, “Some are soft, some are rough.” How are the smaller characters making sure the rough character does not feel like an outsider?

·       Look at the page, “some are bendy, some are tough” what bendy shapes can we make?

·       Look at the page with the rainbow, “Bodies come in every hue”- what does that mean? Why do you think the author chose to paint a rainbow?

·       Look at the last page, “We’re all different in some way, being different is ok.  Being different is nothing new, it makes us special and it makes you you.” What does this mean? Can you think of examples of how we are different in our class?

Activity: Photocopy the inside back page and give out to children. Children choose different characters to stick in and label differences.

Or children draw their own different characters using different colours and shapes. Children could also draw themselves and label a way they are different.

Plenary: The author says on the back page of the book, “whether your body is big, small, wide or tall, it is something to celebrate and be proud of.” What does this mean? Why aren’t we all the same? What would life be like if we were all the same? Why is this story about No Outsiders?


No Outsiders: Everyone different, everyone welcome by Andrew Moffat


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